Chien-loup tchécoslovaque

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

30 November 2024 Greg 0

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, also known as the Czech Wolfdog, is a fascinating breed that combines the wild appearance of the wolf with the loyalty and intelligence of the domestic dog. This relatively new breed is attracting growing interest among dog […]

découvrez l'art du calme dans un monde agité. apprenez des techniques pour apaiser votre esprit, réduire le stress et vivre en harmonie avec vous-même grâce à des pratiques de méditation, de pleine conscience et de relaxation.

How to calm a Rottweiler?

29 November 2024 Greg 0

Appease a Rottweiler can prove to be a challenge due to their energetic and protective nature. To help your dog calm down, it is essential to put in place management techniques effective. Start by teaching him simple commands like “sat“, […]


Amalka finally finds her mistress in a burst of emotion

28 November 2024 Greg 0

After nine days of wandering and a relentless search, Amalka, a two-year-old dog who disappeared at the Roissy Charles-de-Gaulleairport, has finally been reunited with her owner, Míša. The little dog had escaped the vigilance of the teams during a plane […]

Est ce que le rottweiler aboie

Do rottweiler bark?

28 November 2024 Greg 0

THE Rottweiler is not particularly known for being a barking dog. Contrary to some popular belief, this breed is not more vocal than others. Their tendency to bark depends on various factors, including their environment and upbringing. In general, a […]

découvrez l'univers fascinant de la destruction avec notre exploration de l'art, de la musique et des événements qui provoquent des changements radicaux. plongez dans les thèmes puissants de la démolition, de la réinvention et de la transformation. un regard captivant sur ce qui se cache derrière le mot 'destructive'.

Are rottweiler destructive?

27 November 2024 Greg 0

Although the Rottweiler is often perceived as a powerful and potentially destructive dog, this characteristic depends mainly on its education and its physical activity. A Rottweiler that benefits from adequate socialization and appropriate training is not naturally destructive. In fact, […]

antiparasitaires chiens

Comparison of the main antiparasitics for dogs

26 November 2024 Greg 0

Ensuring your dog’s protection against external parasites such as ticks or fleas is essential for their health and well-being. Various pest control products are available on the market, each with its own specificities. This comparison details the characteristics, advantages and […]

découvrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la possession d'un rottweiler. apprenez sur leur tempérament, leurs besoins en entraînement, leur santé et comment créer un lien fort avec votre compagnon à quatre pattes.

Who can have a Rottweiler?

26 November 2024 Greg 0

THE Rottweiler is a dog with a strong and powerful temperament, making it an excellent companion for active and experienced people. This breed is particularly suitable for owners who are able to provide education adequate and early socialization. Families with […]

découvrez des conseils et techniques efficaces pour l'entraînement de votre rottweiler. apprenez à développer une relation solide avec votre chien tout en renforçant son obéissance et sa sociabilité. transformez votre rottweiler en un compagnon bien élevé et équilibré.

Is a Rottweiler easy to train?

25 November 2024 Greg 0

Educate a Rottweiler is not an easy task, but it is achievable with the right approach. This powerful dog energetic temperament requires a experienced master, capable of offering him a coherent and well-structured education. Although he may show traits of […]

découvrez le yorkshire terrier, ce petit chien au caractère audacieux et à la fourrure soyeuse. apprenez tout sur ses besoins, son éducation et ses caractéristiques uniques pour devenir un propriétaire heureux.

Yorkshire terrier: the ideal apartment companion

22 November 2024 Greg 0

THE Yorkshire Terrier, with its compact size and his affectionate temperament, presents itself as the ideal companion for those who live in apartments. This little dog, with a personality dynamic And vocal, adapts wonderfully well to urban life while providing […]

découvrez notre sélection de lits pour chiens, alliant confort et style. offrez à votre compagnon à quatre pattes un espace douillet pour se reposer et dormir paisiblement. idéal pour toutes les races et tailles, nos lits sont conçus pour assurer le bien-être de votre animal.

Where to put a Rottweiler to sleep?

22 November 2024 Greg 0

When it comes to make a Rottweiler sleep, several elements must be considered to guarantee comfort and well-being. It is advisable to choose a quiet place, far from noise and frequent traffic. For outdoor sleeping, a wooden niche is recommended […]