Mutual insurance for dogs

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Temps de lecture :2 Minute(s), 16 Seconde(s)

Because we are never safe from a little problem, a mutual for your dog is the safest way to protect him, and to help you take care of his care when it is high. There are several types of mutual insurance, just like for humans, with different levels of support. Today, I chose to introduce SantéVet to you, because it is the mutual insurance that I have used for almost 15 years for my dogs and I am completely satisfied with it.

Santevet mutual support

Santevet offers different formulas according to the needs of your animal and above all, according to your budget. here is an infographic of the different levels of protection that you can find on the Santevet website:

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Santevet Mutual

As you can see, the smallest formula already takes 60% of your veterinary costs in charge, which represents more than half of your vet bill. In addition, even for the Light formula, which is the smallest, a contribution of €20 is offered for the annual vaccination costs. Of course, if your budget allows it, we recommend the Optimal formula which will cover 100% of veterinary costs that could arise following an illness or accident because we are never safe from everyday hazards like a Dog hotspot which can happen at any time.

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In addition, SanteVet allows you to track your reimbursements using its mobile application available for iOS and Android.

Santevet, insurance for categorized dogs.

What made me turn to Santévet is the possibility of adding insurance for category dogs. In fact, it is mandatory when you own a classified dog to have insurance covering your animal. This has been the law since 1999. As I own a Rottweiler, and my former dog was also a Rottweiler, I chose to combine my mutual insurance with this insurance in order to be fully compliant.

Ultra fast support.

As soon as you visit the veterinarian, all you have to do is ask them to fill out the care certificate that you can download from the Santevet website and send them to them as soon as you get home. This can be done directly from the website in order to be processed more quickly. You receive your refund, according to the terms of your plan a few days later.

santevet advantage

One month of free mutual insurance!

If you would like to subscribe to mutual insurance with SanteVet, I can give you one free month for your first year. Depending on the formula chosen, this can be very interesting. To do this, simply contact me via the contact page (Click here) from our site by giving me your email. I will send you an email with all the information to benefit from this first month free.

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