How to potty train your puppy?

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Temps de lecture :1 Minute(s), 53 Seconde(s)

It’s important to start potty training your puppy as soon as possible, as soon as he arrives at his new home. Puppies tend to potty train more easily when they are young because they still have an immature urinary and intestinal system and are therefore more likely to want to go outside to do their business. This means you should start potty training your puppy from 8 to 12 weeks old.


However, it is important to note that every puppy is different and potty training can take time. Some puppies may learn faster than others, while others may need more time and patience on your part.

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It’s also important to remember that even when your puppy is potty trained, there may still be occasional accidents, especially if he’s stressed or under-stimulated. Be patient and continue to be consistent in your training and rewarding desirable behaviors, and your puppy will eventually become potty trained.

Here are some steps to potty training your puppy:

  1. Start early: It’s important to start potty training your puppy as soon as possible, as soon as he arrives at his new home. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to teach him this habit.
  2. Make a routine: create a routine for your puppy’s needs, offering him the chance to go outside every 2-3 hours and immediately after eating or drinking.
  3. Use a signal: Choose a word or sound to signal to your puppy that it’s time to go outside. For example, you can say “need” every time you take your puppy outside.
  4. Reward desirable behaviors: Every time your puppy poops outside, praise him and reward him with treats or petting. This will show him that this is the desirable behavior.
  5. Avoid Scolding Your Puppy: If your puppy poops indoors, don’t scold him. This won’t teach him anything positive and could make him fearful or confused. If you catch him pottying inside, interrupt him with a firm “no” and immediately take him outside to finish.
  6. Be patient: Potty training can take time and require patience on your part. Continue to be consistent and reward desirable behaviors, and your puppy will eventually understand what you expect of him.

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