découvrez tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'espérance de vie des rottweilers, incluant des conseils pour optimiser leur santé et leur bien-être tout au long de leur vie. informez-vous sur les facteurs influençant leur longévité et les soins appropriés pour votre compagnon à quatre pattes.

Why does my rottweiler sleep next to me?

17 December 2024 Greg 0

You’ve probably wondered why your Rottweiler prefers to sleep next to you. It’s completely normal to wonder about your dog’s behaviors. There’s nothing more comforting than feeling your four-legged friend snuggled up against you at night. Why do they do […]

découvrez comment développer une amitié solide et sincère avec votre rottweiler. apprenez les meilleures pratiques pour renforcer les liens avec votre compagnon à quatre pattes et profiter de moments inoubliables ensemble.

How to be friendly with a Rottweiler?

16 December 2024 Greg 0

Ah, the Rottweiler ! This beautiful beast with a tender heart beneath its imposing shell. Are you wondering how to ensure that this dog, often perceived as a tough guy, is sociable and friendly, both with humans and with his […]

découvrez les différentes formes d'agression, leurs causes et les impacts sur les individus et la société. comprenez comment prévenir et gérer ces comportements pour promouvoir un environnement plus sûr et respectueux.

What are the bad traits of a Rottweiler?

9 December 2024 Greg 0

THE Rottweiler is an intelligent and protective dog, but he may present some bad traits who deserve to be known. First, its natural dominance can make it difficult to manage, especially without proper education. Indeed, without adequate socialization, this dog […]

découvrez les multiples facettes de la peur, ce sentiment universel qui influence nos vies et nos décisions. explorez comment la peur peut être à la fois un moteur de motivation et un obstacle à surmonter.

Why is my Rottweiler afraid of other dogs?

6 December 2024 Greg 0

There fear of your rottweiler facing other dogs can have several origins. Often, this phenomenon results from a lack of socialization, imposed by too early weaning which prevents the puppy from learning canine codes and fundamental social interactions. A dog […]

découvrez si le rottweiler est un chien qui aboie fréquemment. explorez les comportements de cette race, ses besoins en matière d'éducation et comment gérer son aboiement pour une cohabitation harmonieuse.

Does Rottweiler bark a lot?

5 December 2024 Greg 0

The Rottweiler is not considered a breed that barks excessively. In general, their barking is less frequent compared to other dogs. This tendency depends mainly on various factors, including their environment and training. Rottweilers are often perceived as guard dogs, […]

découvrez la puissance impressionnante du rottweiler, un chien au caractère ferme et à la musculature développée. apprenez-en plus sur ses capacités physiques, son tempérament protecteur et son rôle en tant que compagnon fidèle.

How strong is a rottweiler?

4 December 2024 Greg 0

The Rottweiler is known for its great physical strength and impressive bite power. With a jaw pressure of around 370 kg/cm², it ranks among the dogs with the most powerful jaws. For comparison, this pressure is higher than that of […]


Amalka finally finds her mistress in a burst of emotion

28 November 2024 Greg 0

After nine days of wandering and a relentless search, Amalka, a two-year-old dog who disappeared at the Roissy Charles-de-Gaulleairport, has finally been reunited with her owner, Míša. The little dog had escaped the vigilance of the teams during a plane […]

Est ce que le rottweiler aboie

Do rottweiler bark?

28 November 2024 Greg 0

THE Rottweiler is not particularly known for being a barking dog. Contrary to some popular belief, this breed is not more vocal than others. Their tendency to bark depends on various factors, including their environment and upbringing. In general, a […]

découvrez l'univers fascinant de la destruction avec notre exploration de l'art, de la musique et des événements qui provoquent des changements radicaux. plongez dans les thèmes puissants de la démolition, de la réinvention et de la transformation. un regard captivant sur ce qui se cache derrière le mot 'destructive'.

Are rottweiler destructive?

27 November 2024 Greg 0

Although the Rottweiler is often perceived as a powerful and potentially destructive dog, this characteristic depends mainly on its education and its physical activity. A Rottweiler that benefits from adequate socialization and appropriate training is not naturally destructive. In fact, […]

découvrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la possession d'un rottweiler. apprenez sur leur tempérament, leurs besoins en entraînement, leur santé et comment créer un lien fort avec votre compagnon à quatre pattes.

Who can have a Rottweiler?

26 November 2024 Greg 0

THE Rottweiler is a dog with a strong and powerful temperament, making it an excellent companion for active and experienced people. This breed is particularly suitable for owners who are able to provide education adequate and early socialization. Families with […]

découvrez tout sur le rottweiler, une race de chien robuste et loyale, réputée pour sa force et son intelligence. apprenez à connaître ses caractéristiques, ses besoins en éducation et en socialisation, ainsi que des conseils pour une cohabitation harmonieuse avec cette merveilleuse race.

How to react to a Rottweiler?

21 November 2024 Greg 0

When we meet a rottweiler, it is essential to remain calm. Avoid staring at him and adopt a relaxed posture. If the dog seems aggressive, stay still and protect yourself by covering your throat and face with your arms. If […]


Is the Rottweiler an attack dog?

20 November 2024 Greg 0

THE rottweiler is often seen as a attack dog due to its imposing appearance and reputation. However, it is essential to understand that a dog’s behavior depends largely on its education and its environment. This dog, loyal and protective, can […]

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Which owner for a Rottweiler?

18 November 2024 Greg 0

THE Rottweiler is a dog renowned for its loyalty and its protection towards his master. To raise this dog successfully, it is essential to have a master who knows how to demonstrate closed and of patience. This four-legged companion is […]